People need to fuck, and it’s convenient. You save money, you’re comfy while you try to find someone to bang, and there’s no risk of rejection. Not sold yet? You will be when you finish this article.
What makes the top free hookup sites so appealing?
To begin with, they’re totally free hookup sites. No hidden fees or key features locked. You log in, and start looking for the chick you wanna bang today. There’s no limit to how many chicks you hook up with. The only boundary is your own capability.
Why use the top rated hookup sites?
Try comparing it to picking up chicks offline. You have to go out late at night. That implies getting dressed, being cold, paying an entrance fee, buying drinks for yourself and any chick you’re trying to hit on, and spending the rest of the night trying to go through girls one by one, trying to convince one of them to come home with you. Some days it works, most days it doesn’t. The night just ends with you usually grabbing food and going home alone, disappointed. Wouldn’t it be easier for you to stay home in bed, all comfortable, and browse a free adult hookup site until you found a couple babes you liked? You could text all of them at the same time, and go meet the first one who agrees to fuck. Quick and efficient, with none of the downside. Why would you ever go back to picking up chicks the old way?
Should you be using the top 5 hookup sites?
The only men who should be using free online hookup sites that works are:
- Husbands that are completely bored of their wives and wanna get a little bit of sugar on the side. The discreet hookup sites will be great for this.
- Dudes who wanna dip their toes in with people with shared fetishes, so they have a pleasurable, judgment free space.
- Guys who are getting over a nasty breakup, and need to fuck the rage and sadness away.
- Guys who are way too busy to deal with the time requirements a relationship brings, but still wanna get some action without having to pay for a hooker.
- Guys who wanna fuck lots of girls, as quick as possible. You always have more success on hookup sites than in the real world.

What’s the upsides to using online hookup sites?
Online hookups are clearly superior, but don’t know how exactly? I’m here to explain it all to you:
You’re no longer bound to time
You can get the urge to fuck at the oddest times. You might wake up at 3 in the morning to drink some water, and you’ll be horny. You can’t go to a club now. Pick up your phone, see who’s online, and start messaging. Doesn’t matter if it’s night or day, there’s always horny singles.
Adultery is made easy
Wanna cheat on your wife? Fucking your coworker or your wife’s friends is an easy way to get caught and divorced. With discreet online hookups though, you can be anonymous, and secretly set up meets far away, as you please. No one will suspect a thing, and if you play your cards right, you can live the good life behind your wife’s back.
An introvert’s wet dream
Even introverts wanna get some, but they don’t do well in crowds and loud places. With hookup sites, they can find chicks they wanna bang from their comfort zones. They’ll never miss out on banging hotties ever again, because they can find these chicks at any time they want from inside their own home. Best case scenario, the girl even comes to them, so they never need to step out.
Is it difficult to find a fuckbuddy on the top hookup websites?
If you’ve got the right combination of pictures, bio and approach, you’ll be drowning in pussy. It’s easy to get matches on hookup sites with a good picture and interesting bio, but people typically fuck up their chances in the initial conversation. Either they start the conversation with a bland ‘hey’ or ‘hi’, or they straight up ask to fuck. First off, these chicks probably get dozens of other messages. You need to stand out from them, so go for a more creative intro. Try to use information about her as a conversation starter. Talk about her hobbies, or her travels, and wait for the conversation to start flowing. Secondly, you can’t ask to hook up straight away. Everyone knows that’s the ultimate intention, but you gotta be subtle about it. Wait for the conversation to pick up, then talk about the chemistry you two have. Ask her out to drinks, and you’re golden.

Should I use hookup sites?
When there’s 100% free hookup sites, you don’t need to bother with the hassle of real life picking up chicks. If the end goal is to find someone to fuck, you ought to make it as easy as possible for you. Online hookup sites provide exactly that. Thousands of horny chicks at your fingertips, it’s just a matter of whether or not you can seduce them. For a man like you, that’s an easy feat to achieve.